Lost Mountain Group

Help Us, Help Them…

Did you know that there is NO public funding for retired police and military working dogs?

For Lost Mountain Group, it’s all about the puppies, by rescuing retired MWD’s so that they can be paired with a US Military Veteran. Our team spends months working with each canine making sure that they are properly socialized and ready to transition to civilian life with their Veteran. Receiving a companion canine may ultimately save two lives- the canines and the Veterans.

Unfortunately, the LMG socialization experience can be expensive as we cover all of the costs associated with the canine while they are in our care. Your donation will go right to work to help the canine socialization program and eventually assist in the pairing of a retired MWD canine companion with a veteran in the Mid-Atlantic region. The Veteran may be combat wounded, diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder, and/or traumatic brain injury.

Make a donation.

Contributions or gifts to Lost Mountain Group are tax-deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes.

Lost Mountain Group is a registered business in the Commonwealth of Virginia (Entity ID: 11112809) and recognized by the IRS as a nonprofit organization. Charitable gifts to Lost Mountain Group are tax-deductible to the fullest extent of the law.


Lost Mountain Group has been awarded the Gold Seal of Transparency for Nonprofits
from Guidestar.